Attention coffee lovers! Have you noticed a significant change in your daily brew’s cost? Recent news reveals that coffee prices in Czechia have surged by 46% since 2015, far outpacing the EU average increase of 34%. With global demand rising and supply shrinking, this trend seems poised to continue.
In 2024, the average cost for 250 grams of roasted coffee beans reached CZK 130, 10 crowns more than last year. Experts predict prices may climb another 10% to 30% in 2025, affecting not just retail prices but also your favorite café offerings.
What’s driving the rise? Environmental challenges, such as prolonged droughts in Brazil, are impacting supply, while growing demand from markets in Asia and South America is intensifying the pressure. New EU sustainability regulations are also adding costs for producers.
With coffee potentially becoming a scarce commodity in the near future, we want to hear from you: What’s the price of coffee in your city?
Let us know in the comments below!
News citation: Prague Morning. (2024, November 28). Coffee Prices in Czechia Surge by 46% Since 2015.